Saturday, December 15, 2012

Be Where You Are & Do Not Worry

"Wherever you are, be there."-- Greg Boyd

       I'm a dreamer. Most people that know me will testify to this. My family, friends, coworkers, Church, pretty much everyone knows it. Especially my wife. She has often told me that when I'm home, more often than not, I'm really not home. I'm NOT where I physically am, I'm THERE. By "there" I mean somewhere else mentally or emotionally.  Sometimes that THERE is in the book I read earlier that day. Sometimes THERE is in a sermon series, or in a theological or philosophical topic. Sometimes THERE is thinking or planning about the future, whether it's a job, location, vacation, hope or dream. The point is, my THERE is often NOT where I presently am.
       Now I'm not saying that we should not ever think, dream and hope about the future. But when it becomes something that consumes us, our time , energy and thoughts, when it takes us away from "wherever you are" RIGHT NOW and to another place, it can very easily turn to worry. And that leads to my second point.
       Jesus said : "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Matthew 6:34)
       So, "tomorrow will worry about its own things". Why then do we think, plan, and worry about the things of tomorrow? I believe it is ultimately our little way of trying to control things. If somehow we can plan it out right, plan for the worst and try and make everything into the best possible outcome, we can be our own little gods. We can make our future life into our idol. Jesus says to not do that. He wants us to worry about today and what God is leading, calling and wishing for today.When we spend our time living in the future or not being where we presently are, we close the door to God's spirit that wants to work in the now. If I'm worrying about the bills next week, the moving plans, that job interview etc. I may very well miss the person in the supermarket, a coworker , or a friend who needs me to channel the love of Jesus to them. Worrying about the future and making our own plans ultimately puts us at odds with the Kingdom, for the kingdom way is the way of sacrifice, putting others first,  and seeking God's will "on earth as it is in heaven".
       Let us follow the simple advice from Greg: Wherever you are, be there.


1 comment:

  1. This definitely spoke to me in a really personal way, and it put my thoughts in perspective. So many times I've found myself "living in the future" and worrying about it instead of living in the present and doing what God wants me to do NOW. Thanks SO MUCH Matt for sharing this!!!:)
